My First Blog!!

After months of contemplation, I’m finally writing. Well, the writing was not the difficult part, but overcoming the initial shyness to write on a public forum took time. It took a lot of coaxing from a few of my near and dear ones to get me started.

What would I like to write about…well anything that touches me, spoils me, about things that make me stop and think and those that make me turn around and take a second look.

Food and entertaining is high on my list, as is living life the beautiful way. What is it that makes good food, interesting company and music of your choice headier than the best French wine?

Couple of days back a few girlfriends from school met up, all successful in their own way, some married with kids, few without and one still single. The Zinfandel was good,   Bryan Adams crooned and my first time pate was a hit!
'Foie Gras' or fattened goose liver pate has always been a classic in the list of French hors’d’oevres….of course mine was an easier version made from chicken livers.

Serve this divine paste of humble livers in a bowl. Lay a few crispy crackers around the bowl. Arrange thin slices of French bread on a platter. And voila! Your quest for an interesting starter is suddenly met. It is all there on that table, guests help themselves to it and you are suddenly free to entertain rather than be frying and serving.

Try the pate next time u have friends over and let me know how it worked!

Heat 2 heaped teaspoons of butter ,
Put in 2 cloves of garlic crushed…(there is nothing more appetizing than the aroma of crushed garlic simmering in butter), 

Add a tablespoonful of chopped onions
teaspoonful of thyme (perfect if fresh.. but if not don’t fret),
Add to the above a tablespoon of peeled and chopped apples, about five pieces of cleaned chicken livers and 

half a teacup of redwine.
Add salt and pepper to taste
When the livers are cooked and the wine has been absorbed partially, take it off the flame and let it cool. 

Process the livers in the mixer to a fine paste 
Add a tablespoon of melted butter while processing to moisten the paste.

Transfer to a bowl and serve at room temperature, along with crackers, bread sticks, brown bread toasts...and watch 'em disappear.


Unknown said…
Congrats chechi, there certainly is an easy feel to read this. Way to go (in spite of me not able to make out half the ingredients :)...)
Dakshina said…
Thank u for the compliment....don't worry about the me whenever or wherever u get stuck (are planning to cook!??)
Swati said…
Awesome recipes Dakshina :-)
Looksl ike you love to cook and entertain and I love popel like that :-)Next time I come to India I will make sure I meet you :-)

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