The soupy story of the pea and my princess

I got a call from a dear friend and distant relative today. She wanted to know how I make the pea and spinach soup. I am sure I must have told her this before, but nevertheless I recited the entire recipe methodology, little tips and all to her over again. Secretly, I enjoy doing it.  Gives me a boost to run home and blog it out.
The soup happened out of sheer desperation when my daughter went through a pea phase in her diet. Give her anything with peas and she would pick out the peas and eat them, the rest of the food on her plate would be fed to the dustbin. There was such harmony at the dining table. My son would diligently pick all the 'uggghh'!! peas out of his food and trade it for the 'yummier' egg or chicken in her plate.....I have never seen such love before or after! with love I dished out this soup for her and it sure was appreciated by a lot of people.
Sadly my daughter has grown out of the pea phase and hence then the recipe and its production in my kitchen has been shelved.

The recipe is quite simple and quick to make too
  1. Chop an onion and 3 cloves of garlic and cut one leek roughly.
  2. Heat some butter and lightly fry all of the above until that heavenly aroma arises and fills your nostrils.
  3. Add a tea and half cup of frozen peas and continue frying till it starts to soften.
  4. Take out two table spoons of this mixture and continue to fry separately till the peas start forming a crust.
  5. Put in about five leaves of spinach into the original pan....(do remove the stalks if they are not too tender....don't want soup with chewy matter in it.... or maybe you could just spent an extra quarter of an hour straining the soup)
  6. Add some water, salt to taste, pepper to season, and bit of nutmeg....(just run the nutmeg over a grater up and down a couple of times and let the dust fall into the pan)
  7. When the peas look cooked and begin to turn into mash, take off the flame and let it cool
  8. Run this mixture in a processor along with about a teacup of cold milk.
  9. Put it back on flame warm it up and serve in a bowl.
  10. A dash of cream looks and tastes good and of course do spoon some of that crispy peas on to the top .....( the ones you fried separately)

Have fun on a wintry evening.....topping with a bit of chopped mint leaves gives another dimension.....and so does some fried bacon...."Try it and talk back to me".


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